Seeing as I'm in this Kate Derum Award exhibition, I thought it important, or at least relevant to talk a little bit about my teacher and mentor.
This is a bit of a ramble of thoughts, so don't be too critical of my meandering ways...writing has not really ever been a strong point. :)
It's interesting how when we're in the middle of something, we have no sense of perspective about what we're doing, or even how valuable or precious the time we're in, is.
This is how I feel about my time at Monash university during the mid 1990s.
That is where I first met Kate Derum, as my lecture of Tapestry, as part of the Fine Art Department.
To be honest, after Kate passed away, I kind of went off making tapestry, it made me a bit sad.
As time goes on, my interest in making and looking at tapestry is returning,
(pretty enthusiastically I might add)
I'm ready to re-visit tapestry as process, aesthetics, historically and symbolically.
I don't think enough can be said on the importance of Kate's emphasis on drawing. Whether it be through traditional means or collage or painting. Her course always was based solidly on expressive image making .
I learned how to be an artist from Kate... I was always artistic, but through Kate I learnt about process, about reading, working on, and through an idea.
She was great teacher and artist. It's great that she can be remembered through this award.
That is why it is very special to be included this year in this show.
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