Tuesday, May 29, 2012

things to make...not enough time !

Well, it's been a long time between posts.
I have been making things for markets...and the last market I did, my oldest came down with a yucky version of gastro! No one is prepared for gastro....so I left the house in the wee hours of the morning and crossed my fingers as I set off for Yarraville. She coped, and everyone else coped and the market went reasonably well for me. Then my youngest got it...then I got it, then P got it...so, that took care of a couple of weeks. And I've been working on a custom order for a very good customer of mine...here is a sneek peek.
I just have to put the ribbons on and away they go.
I also got an invitation to put  in an entry for the miniature textile exhibition in  Angers. It's a biennial exhibition...last Time I entered a tapestry...I don't think they're really interested in tapestry for this...I think they look for gorgeous 'other' kinds of textile work like this
by Cecile Dachery
Or even this
Pamela Campagna
Well, that's what I think anyway...we'll see...here are my bits and pieces

We are all completely in love with the movie  Fantastic Mr fox...it's so funny, and our kids love it. This is a clip of all the "cussin'", it's funny.

And the other thing I've been doing is working very hard at making my girl an Agnes...what prey tell is an Agnes... well here is the gorgeous original
Agnes is the one in the middle...do you want to see progress?
yes, she's creepy, she's a practice one, don't judge her!

Firstly if you yourself want to make Agnes...or any other cute foxy toy...here is a great start, and it's free. I have made a practice Agnes...and she's kind of creepy, but it will be great when I make the real one, with fur, I'm also going to modify the pattern a lot. Firstly the Teddy fox pattern is quite a wild animal fox, the one I want to make is more like a human shape with a foxy head...Practice Agnes is also great for making the clothes on. Also I'm getting eyes delivered...they look like this
I'm in the middle of knitting a cardigan for this poor creature, and a scarf. I just found these great dolls clothes patterns that I photocopied a thousand years ago...lord knows why, but they have come in handy! I'm really looking forward to making all these cute things.

Also this month I joined the quilters and patchworker's guild! Yup. Who would have thought it would be so much fun? It's kind of funny, because the things they make and kind of love are really not my thing at all, and I'm waiting for the time one of them looks over my shoulder and says something like, "you'll get there love"...Little do they know ...he he he.

 Next guild is the embroiderers! Watch out.
So, as you can see, a bit too busy for posting
We are also loving the show, 'bored to death'

...a good opposite for 'new girl'
plus here's look at my lovelies

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh wow, I love the eyeballs!! :D

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the exhibition ;)