Thursday, October 30, 2014

What's going on in the studio??

Firstly many apologies for not updating weeks ago. Now I have the studio, I am always in there when I have less noodling about on the internet, which, is a very good thing.
I finally finished the big tapestry I started months ago, all my instagram followers are probably sick to death of seeing updates, but it was quite an achievement for me, mainly because it's the biggest thing I've woven since uni.
The tapestry is still on the loom, and that's why it looks a little bit skewd, it's actually pretty straight on the sides.
The studio is starting to look really lived in, which is great for me. I don't seem to get comfy unless there is a bit of muddle about.
I've been trying out a lot of different ways of doing things. It started back when I started putting the warp on differently. That's why the big octopus tapestry is still on the loads of warp left.
The studio is part of a converted wool coincidental.
That little red string is reminding me where the middle is.
When I was a bit stuck a couple of weeks ago I started with collages again. An old trick from uni...when in doubt, make a collage. Works a treat for creative block...or brain re-jig.
I just have to say so many thanks to the kind folk on Instagram for all the nice comments and all.
I know from time to time I have been very vocal about my concerns about tapestry as a medium, and especially at the moment, when it's so popular as an activity...rather than an expressive, narrative artform, (as I see it).
If anyone is interested in what those concerns may be, please feel free to email me and I'll tell you all about them!! : D

I guess because of these concerns, I had set myself the task of compiling my  "how to" notes from uni, and making them into a little book (75pages!?!). This plan was going great until I got that dumb bug (cough, temperature, headaches...Blah) a couple of months ago. The plan is still on, but later now, because of all the lead up till Christmas. So, for anyone who's hanging out for it, it's coming.

PS: (Because of the Troll who went berserk at me, I do not air these concerns anymore...I can tell you right now, Texan teacher, I'm glad you don't teach my children! At least I speak it how I think it, and not veil my ideas behind a wall of chic, retro, nicey nice speak...while secretly leaving negative, uninformed opinions on people's personal blogs.) 
It feels good to get that off my chest...I've been seathing about that for months.
That's it, no more bitching about that.


Michelle said...

Your studio is amazing! And your work is so dreamy and beautiful :)

Good on you for speaking your mind!

rachel said...

Thanks Michelle, you´re the best! x