Thursday, July 13, 2006

Photos of the opening of Rosebud

My watercolours

This is Louise King's work, a beautiful shrine piece, next is Laura Mar's lino prints.

The exhibition took place at the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, the title and impetus for the show came from Kate Daw as part of her "artist in residence" residency.
Here is something I prepared about the process.
When preparing for the exhibition 'Rosebud" Kate Daw provided the participating artists some background from her perspective. This word 'Rosebud" resonated with her, whilst also being a pivotal concept within Orson Welles' 'Citizen Cane'. I however did not feel a connection with 'Citizen Cane' and therefore tried to super-impose this Rosebud idea over the top of common themes in my own practise.
The works I made were not woven tapestry, as I felt everyone knows I can weave, but I haven't shown my works on paper very much. So, 6 watercolour paintings emerged all showing a female, figurative element and a rose. My idea was simple. Find as many pictures of roses as possible from books, find the ones with the most evocative names, eg 'sexy rexy' and combine the rose with the descriptive surround.
I really enjoy the process of painting with water colours, the colours are clear and direct, can be built up in layers, and so quick in comparison to weaving.

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